Thursday, February 19, 2009


Nothing can sabbatoge today more than regrets from the past and fears regarding the future. To make matters worse, our concerns aren't without cause. We have made mistakes in the past and life patterns suggest that our future may be affected once again. One of the primary lessons of Jesus was to exhort us to live in today. Most leaders understand God's forgiveness. The problem lies in forgiving themselves and releasing the past. The problem of moving on into today with clarity is usually one of a lack of forgiving ourselves or the perceived guilt from others. It is impossible to walk in the success that God intends with these anchors to our past. I saw one Bible School graduate poison his future because he couldn't seem to get beyond his failures as a Christian. It's one thing to get beyond sins of youth, but more difficult to release our sins as a follower of Christ. The wonderful thing about redemption is that the Blood of Jesus is just as powerful forgiving our future as much as our past.

While in Dubai for a month, Teresa and I seemed to experience a new level of "living in today". Circumstances were out of our control. We were helpless in our own efforts to change anything. Our only peace was found in learning the secret of Jesus in living in today. You may be trapped in the swamp of yesterday or immobilized by the "what ifs" of tomorrow. Let them go! It not only is all you can do, it is what you should and must do! A refusal to not trust the Blood of Jesus is an affront to God and a sick kind of pride that says, "the Blood of Jesus forgives all sins but mine". Go ahead and jump into the flowing fountain of the Blood of Jesus with abandon. It is in that abandon that you will find courage and strength to not only face the future, but be the leader the Lord intends you to be.

Mat 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow...

1 comment:

jehovah productions said...

Dear PaPa, I hope you dont mind if I comment on your blogs. The way I see it, if by the grace of God you took time to write because you care about us then I am more than happy to take time to say thanks. Besides, I believe taking time to communicate with others is a form of love.I wish I could convey that to our children. Everyone is so busy these days. Thanks for the blog about guilt. The devil has been very diligent in bringing up my own past. The blood did a fine job covering that guilt and condemnation just as you taught us. But here lately I find that he is becoming more diligent in telling me I am not doing enough now. The devil has been telling me that if I am real Christian then I should be out there winning souls left and right. God is still helping me on this one. For now He has told me that to keep doing what I am doing. That my prayers and intercession is important. And that sowing and watering the Word is never in vain and that He will bring the harvest. Pray for me in that area.
Thank you Jesus that Tiffany is moving her pinkie toe. She seems to have a real cool sense of humor. God is faithful. Love and God bless. Kenny G.

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