Friday, November 8, 2019

Real Faith is Tested Faith

1 Peter 1:7 ... the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

I recently underwent a medical test that required the inserting of an IV in my arm.  The RN that did my prep work was a bright young woman in her mid 30's.  We talked as she worked.  I was surprised to hear that she had visited Normandy France, the sight of the D Day Invasion on June 6, 1944.  My family and I just made the same trip this summer.  We talked about the certain anxiety of the young troops coming ashore on that fateful day. She then said, "I don't believe my generation would make such a sacrifice." I said, "I am hopeful that they would if the need were to arise."  Again she said, "I don't believe they would because my generation are cowards!"  I was shocked to hear her say that.  

As I ponder her words regarding her generation my thoughts go back to what prepared those brave boys and men who went ashore in France in 1944.  They had grown up in the great depression. Testing. They had their character formed on lack, sacrifice and a will to see things improve. Testing. They were optimistic and yes they were brave.  Bravery and honor was a large part of American psyche back then.  The culture itself imparted it into most everyone and it was instilled into those who volunteered for combat duty by the thousands.  Many left high paying jobs, professions and even professional sports positions to do their part for honor and country.  Then, they were tested. Oh how they were tested.  Boys became men overnight and there was no quit in them.  Some fought in Europe, Asia and some on to Korea.  What made them so successful and what gave them such belief in what they were doing?  Testing!  They were tested when they first heard of the war as to whether they would serve. They were tested in their training. They were tested by fire on the battlefield.  They were tested when they returned home.  The result was a generation that has famously been called the Greatest Generation.  However, they proved it again once back on American soil.  They approached life with the same faith and confidence that had led them to see victory "over there."  There are untold thousands who built this nation to a higher level of morality, honor, integrity and self sacrifice.  All results of testing that proved the genuine.  All who would follow are standing on their shoulders.  What will it take to prove faithful to the task?  We must allow trials of our faith to get us to a place of faithfulness regardless of our personal cost.  The verse for today says, "the tested genuineness of your faith".  All faith must be tested to analyze the quality of that faith.  Only tested faith can stand, not merely vocalized faith.  As individual Christians we must make the choice to follow Jesus and remain faithful soldiers of the cross regardless.  We must not stop regardless of hardship or temptation.  We must allow our children and grandchildren to be tested to produce the quality of their faith as well.  There are no shortcuts.  All must be tested and proven.  The wonderful outcome "may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ."

 test blog