Monday, June 29, 2015

Christian Practitioner

2 Tim. 2:2 "A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people."

What a tormenting verse!  The more we try to arrive, the farther the destination seems to be.  There is a sternness or harshness deep within us that can be  all too easily aroused.  I don't want to manifest this hardness but it can present itself just seconds after tenderness and understanding have been shown.  Deep inside this temperament is an abiding competition.  A desire to be "right" and to win.  This is not of the spirit of Jesus, yet it lurks alive and well just below the surface of the average Christian persona.   While I am not obsessed with introspection I do try to observe less than Jesus qualities that surface in my life.  I then seek to invite the Holy Spirit to bring about the change I need.  Personal sanctification requires our invitation to the Holy Spirit to release the cleansing blood of Jesus within us.  It requires a willingness to live in ongoing death to personal desires in order to experience the release of Jesus in and through us.  How we hate it and how we resist it and yet when it is done what genuine fulfillment is found.  There is a superficial Christian Gospel preached that requires little if any personal change.  This is not the discipleship that Jesus modeled and taught.  May we leave the bright lights of the modern church doctrine that pursues comfort and willingly enter the crucible of taking up our cross daily and following Him.  It will be here that we will become the patient servant that the Lord can use for His Kingdom.  I am presently on a journey to be less of a preacher and more of a practitioner. Will you consider joining me on this venture of faith?

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