test blog
Observations and Reflections
L. A. Joiner
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
The Choice is Ours!
Choice is such a powerful thing that can lead to wonderful and positive change or can bring about a negative and destructive decline. It happens in the individual life and it has happened in entire nations.
In the classic confrontation between the Prophet Elijah, the "450 prophets of Baal and other prophets that ate at Jezebel's table", Elijah introduced a powerful and confrontational choice. Elijah shouted to all who could hear, "How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him." And the people did not answer him a word. He gave them a choice. It was a choice between the Prophet of God and the forces of Jezebel. It was a choice between the righteousness of God and sinful passions of Jezebel. It was a choice between those who chose to follow the Word of God or the changing culture of their day. Of course, we know that the resulting challenge of Elijah to allow the one True God and the false gods of Jezebel to prove who is the true God worthy of worship and praise brought a remedy to the wickedness of the nation. The power of Almighty God is always victorious over all forms of backsliding. The people of God who always choose righteousness over wickedness will always prevail although they may suffer persecution for their choice.
I am not a Methodist but have preached in a number of Methodist Churches through the years. I was always impressed by the doctrine and legacy of the Wesley brothers. I remember preaching in one large Methodist Church where we had to have three consecutive altar calls to accommodate all the people wanting to kneel at the altar and experience a touch from God. At another series of meetings in a smaller Methodist Church in a rural area, the people were so hungry for God to touch them that they were kneeling at the beautiful old wood altar, praying, weeping and some were falling backward as God touched them. As I was ministering and watching what God was doing I thought, "this is real Methodism!" This was the way it was in the beginning when John Wesley would ride his horse and preach with such power that thousands came to "watch him burn." Wesley offered a relationship with the living, life changing God and they hungered to experience Him. They chose God over the world and a declining church of their day.
Today the United Methodist Church is ruptured. There is the old name, United Methodist, and a new name Global Methodist Church. The newer group, Global Methodist Church, the real traditionalists are having to pay a price to continue to practice and preach the original Methodist doctrine and values. Certainly, the ownership of properties, finances and retirement accounts are all involved, but the real choice that is having to be made is the same one called for by Elijah. "How long will you tarry between two opinions." There are a number of Methodist Seminaries that provide a channel to Methodist pulpits. I have always been able to identify some Methodist preachers by the depth and spirituality of their preaching. It was rich and deep and challenging as in the Methodist tradition. As I found myself around more and more Methodists, I came to realize those I felt moved me were graduates of Asbury Seminary. Well, recently the rupture of the United Methodist Church has brought about a statement that implies that Asbury graduates will no longer be accepted in the United Methodist Church. Incidentally, Asbury has produce more Methodist preaches than any other seminary. Now, apparently, they won't be welcome any longer specifically because of their stance on sin and sexual sins in particularly, causing them to be outcasts.
Well, will the poor Asbury group be left out in the cold? Will they be thrown on the heap as old fashioned and out of step with modern culture? I don't know about all that, but I do know they made a choice. To follow God, His Word and his ways. Is it just a remarkable coincidence that in the middle of all this, Revival happens at Asbury! People are flooding there by the thousands to simply worship, pray, repent and sit in the Presence of God among them. John Wesley, who was cast aside from the Church of England and assigned to the rural fields of England to preach, saw converts come to Christ by the thousands.
We have a choice today. Join me in choosing Jesus and His never ending, life changing, supernatural power.
Monday, January 9, 2023
The Positioning of the Lord
In a tennis lesson many years ago, the teaching pro called me to the net for some instruction. One of the things he taught me was the importance of being in position to hit the next shot. I was trying to get into position after he hit his shot, and, obviously, rather than hitting a good return shot, I was hitting reactionary shots. Reactionary shots are hit with poor foot foundation, producing weak hits and mishits resulting in losing. Bad positioning brings failure! One of the big things you miss in tennis when you are out of position is bad focus and visual perspective. That may sound complicated but it basically means, "you can't hit what you aren't seeing!" The same is true in golf, which I have played much more than tennis, because I gave up on tennis! Concentration is critical to playing your best. But again, being in the right position has much to do with concentration, what you see, and success.
Nothing is more important in our walk with God than being in position. Being in the right place at the right time is something we hear about people in all arenas of life and especially in their careers. Someone will excel in an area or their careers will seem to explode into great success overnight. Very few people get anywhere quickly or easily. We tend to only see what appears to be instant success. Yet, even though lifelong preparation and hard work lead to success, there is much to be said about being in the right place at the right time. Hard work alone doesn't guarantee success. You must be in position when the right moment arrives. Now my point today. Walking with God is much about allowing God to place us in position for His plan for our success. Notice I said, "His plan for our success." None of us are smart enough or wise enough to see far enough down the road to be able to be in correct position for our next promotion. Walking successfully with God is much more difficult than getting in position to hit the next tennis or golf shot. We also don't see instantly if our positioning was successful or not, as in sports.
When the Lord places us in His position, it is often designed to have us ready for an assignment down the road and not immediate. As a matter of fact, one position may not be the real and final assignment for God's plan for our lives. That temporary position can even seem difficult, and we often question these uncomfortable and unfulfilling assignments. Even as you are reading this, it is hard not to think of Joseph in the Bible. He was sold into slavery by family in order that he might be in position to redeem them at a later date. Some scholars call his story, "From Prisoner to Prince." Can you imagine seeing everything you ever believed and hoped for fail and get worse? Yet, Joseph remained focused not on his promotion or demotion but on knowing and hearing and obeying God. From that place of a surrendered life and love toward God, he was in position to accept his ultimate position of purpose when it came. I wonder how many have given up before the promise and the purpose came? Again, we must look hard at positioning in this lesson. Positioning is dependent upon our ability to hear and obey much more than our need to understand. Our insistence upon understanding can be a hindrance to correct positioning.
Now a practical thought. When Teresa and I moved to St. Augustine Beach, a part of the thought process was "hurricanes hit beaches." While living at the beach is a wonderful experience there are negatives as well. So, when storms come and you have to sandbag and run, there is a temptation to question where we live. Yet, God had made it clear to both of us that this was His positioning. Or, when you find yourself in spiritual situations where you wonder about your fruitfulness, you have to look back at your positioning. Today's position is determined by yesterday's positioning. When the moment of God's unfolding plan arrives, you must already be in position. If you positioned yourself based upon what you wanted or what you thought rather than what God said, it's usually too late to get into position.
As we enter a new year, it's always a good time to hold a personal inventory. Begin this new year with a fresh commitment to seek and follow God's positioning. Some may need to make some life adjustments to get there, but most will simply need to commit to a more sensitive hearing and being. Then, when in position, be steadfast in that last word that you heard from Him and wait and serve in faith.
Friday, December 2, 2022
Listening to Lies
They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy. - Jonah 2:8 KJV
These are the words of the prophet Jonah-the painful words of a man that has heard the voice and direction of God and run the other way. Many times in my life and your life we have cried out to God for direction. We have said, "I want to be a part of your increasing Kingdom. I want to live in your anointing of the Holy Spirit and see the power and glory of God!" Then, when the Lord spoke that directional word, did we obey Him with instant obedience? Did we recognize those marching orders as God's will for our lives or did we see it as too difficult? Did we rejoice in the gift of a fresh commission or did it frighten us and appear too hard to accomplish. It seems that most of the time when the Lord gives us our new orders, they are bigger than our faith. We look out ahead toward the vision God has given us and we can only see our faith coming up short of finishing the task. That is God allowing us to live in desperation and dependence upon his provision day by day.
When we hear a fresh word from God, it almost always is frightening. Thus, the temptation to run from it or more often we "dumb it down" to something we feel is more in our realm of faith. Truthfully, God doesn't ask us to do what we can do. He calls on us to do the impossible, that which is beyond our ability. After a task is completed we should always look at the results and say, "only God could do that!" That moment of hearing fresh direction from the Holy Spirit is a critical place. What will we do when we see the potential of our failure looming in our future? This was the dilemma of Jonah. What did he do when his ears were still ringing with the words of God? He ran!
I wonder how many earth shaking directional words from God have been abandoned by His servants? What could be so powerful as to cause a believer to run from God? Lies! Satan is the "father of lies." The enemy of our souls and of Kingdom expansion on the earth tells lies to those who have the capacity to shake the world! Jonah was a world shaker! God saw that and gave him a call, a commission. I can only imagine the lies that he heard. "Who are you to preach to that great city Nineveh? They will eat you alive! God won't keep you from failing there! God won't provide for you there! You will be seen as a total failure if you obey. People will honor you to your face but will despise you to your back!" Yes, I can only imagine, but more than that, I have heard those words time and again and have had to do warfare against them. When we hear those words we only have two choices, obey or run! If we run because of a lie, we will learn to live on increasing lies. Jonah, in the belly of a great fish, had run on lies until in God's faithfulness, he had nowhere else to run. Lies lead to deception! Thank God Jonah came to himself as the prodigal son came to himself. He arose! From a dark place, he said in the early moments of his epiphany, "those who listen to lying vanities forsake their own mercies." Those who believe the lies of the devil rather than the words of God abandon mercy. There is no hope in a life of lies. He made a decision to leave sin and deception and embrace Truth. As in all repentance, he made a life directional change and turned back to God and His plan for his life. The result was success! It was revival!
I'm not sure where this word finds you today. I have no idea what fears caused you to run from obedience to God and His plan for you. But I do know that a simple heart and mind change regarding God always gets a redemptive response from your Heavenly Father! Resist the lies and renounce them as being the lies that they are and believe God's wonderful Word. Embrace His plans for your life and mission.
Monday, October 10, 2022
False Teachers
"If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. 1Ti 6:3-4 ESVThe Apostle Paul here addresses his concern for Church. Then Jude, Jesus' half brother, writes "For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. - Jde 1:4 ESV
False teachers and prophets are promised by the Scripture to be very active in the Church in the last days. It occurs to me as I write this that false teachers can only be effective among a weak church. A Church that lives in and by the Word of God would not be so easily led away from the freedom of the Gospel. However, when the pulpit bows to the shallowness of the congregation and leaves the meat of the word for pablum, it has a crippling effect on the Church. The Church is supposed to be a powerful force on the earth operating in the authority and power of God and His Kingdom. They are supposed to be made up of a "Kingdom of Priests." The Shepherd of a congregation is designed to teach and preach and to care for the flock of God. He is to be like a traffic director managing the church, this Royal Priesthood, as it goes out in all directions having a saving influence upon a lost world. It is supposed to be so different from the world that it stands out like one standing in a spotlight. This kind of Church would easily discern false prophets and teachers within a short period of time. False teaching cannot gain control in a church filled with the Word of God and the light of the Holy Spirit.
Too many pulpits today bring forth too much, "Five suggestions for a happy life", rather than "take up your cross and follow me." The latter is the revelation of the Lordship of Christ. Many teachers today preach a message of the "Lordship of Me". "Give them what they want" is a prevailing unspoken motivation today. Keep them happy and don't let them have a bad experience at Church. We must abandon giving them what they want and turn back to the life altering, often uncomfortable, message of the Lordship of Christ. "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, - 2Ti 4:3 ESV
False teaching promotes a false grace that ends up in carnality. That word means "unbridled lust." I have had the sad experience too many times of dealing with fallen leaders. They almost always remain in the pulpit teaching long after they choose sin over righteousness. As soon as they become compromised, their message changes. Now they instruct the Church, the Bride of Christ, from their own condition of heart. They get more and more away from Truth and often the church follows them. As the doorkeeper, whatever they allow in comes in. It has been my experience in dealing with fallen leaders that the result is often fallen followers. It is the "blind leading the blind."
In conclusion, how do we strengthen the church against wandering from the Truth into a false gospel of "anything goes." Each member must live in and by the Word of God daily. Reading and studying the Word builds a Holy Spirit impacted conscience and strong discernment that recognizes sin and shuns it. It knows Truth and chooses it. We will have false teachers more and more in these last days. The Bible promises us that. However, the true Church, those that are living by faith and are looking for the return of Christ, will not only stand strong in the midst of false teaching but will also challenge false teachers.
Monday, September 12, 2022
God's Response To Our Obedience
Monday, August 1, 2022
test blog
test blog
Choice is such a powerful thing that can lead to wonderful and positive change or can bring about a negative and destructive decline. It h...
Never Quit! Active Christians cannot fail! I didn't say, Christians never fail. As a matter of fact being a Christian doesn't guaran...