I'm tempted to believe that the most intelligent people are the quietest people. Of course those of you that know me personally know that I talk way too much. I'll leave the conclusion in your hands!
My point comes from an observation through a lifetime of people watching. Of course we must introduce wisdom into this conversation. I have met many really intelligent people who had very little wisdom. Wisdom is a balance of intellect and experience that hopefully brings a person to wisdom. Wisdom then when drawn upon makes the right decision. What causes a person to get the right answer from the formula experience+intellect=wisdom. I believe it is discipline or self control.
A disciplined person must take the right answer and apply it in life. Our world is filled with people whose problem was not that they didn't know what was right, they just didn't have the self control to do the right thing. Then there are even Christians who have Jesus inside and still reject doing right because they have never trained themselves to chose rightly and act in obedience with that choice.
Hebrews 5:14 (ESV) "But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil." As followers of Jesus we improve as we go by obedience. Notice the phrase, "trained by constant practice." I love that! The more we hear and obey the better we become at "distinguishing between good and evil." That should bring wisdom. Wisdom comes from seeking after wisdom out of our experiences. Then, the more we learn, the quieter we seem to get. I asked a lady about 90 years of age, "what have you learned in your long life?" She quietly said, "too soon old, too late smart." I hear volumes of wisdom in those 6 short words!