The word "mystery" refers to something that is hidden. Why would God want to hide Truth from people? Even that thought is something of a mystery. Having had a personal friendship, relationship with God for most of my life I still stand amazed at the ever unfolding discovery of His identity. The deeper I travel into the knowledge of Him the more I discover His vastness. Who He is doesn't change but it expands. It is like walking down a street and getting familiar with all the sights and sounds on that street and you might think that is the entirety of a town. You may live on that street for years and one day you venture around a corner to find that the small town is really a large city. It goes on and on. How sad it would be to live on one street and experience the limitations of that short street, never knowing that with exploration there is much, much more to experience. Paul's words here in Ephesians 3:3 and in other of his writings reveals to us that there are mysteries to be discovered. It seems that the Word of God itself and the life giving power of living in that Word is a great mystery to most of the world. True believers read the Bible in faith and a supernatural impartation occurs within them. A non believer may pick it up without faith or without interest and it might be just another book to them.
The late Derek Prince was a Kings Scholar from Eton College in England. He was a philosopher who began to read the Bible to disprove it. He said that as he read the Scripture something amazing happened. He started changing on the inside. He said it was the only book that he had ever read that was a living book. As he read, something living was happening on the inside. That is a part of how revelation is experienced and how mysteries are revealed. We have heard it said that some people say, "when I see I will believe." Believers in Jesus know that "when we believe we will see." God wants to make his Truth known but not to intellect alone but to the spirit man first then comes the understanding. Faith comes first and revelation will follow. As we face ongoing mysteries may we approach them in faith. Then and only then will we see new revelation.
What question is troubling you now? Don't approach God with an eye of distrust but settle it in your heart that God is for you and your ultimate good.
What question is troubling you now? Don't approach God with an eye of distrust but settle it in your heart that God is for you and your ultimate good.