There are two primary views concerning the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit today. These two opinions are cessationism and continuationism. Cessationism says that when the New Testament was complete there was no more need for supernatural gifts in the life of the church. Continuationism teaches that those supernatural gifts never ceased since they were given at Pentecost. One of the reasons given as evidence for cessationism, that God stopped using these gifts in the church after the canon of Scripture was complete, was because over time those primitive gifts were witnessed less and less in practice. The most ardent theologians amazingly arrive at this conclusion with very weak, if any, Scriptural validation. If you read many scholars you will find they will depart from Biblical proof and use as verification the ancient writings of "church fathers." There is certainly another obvious reason as to why the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit waned after the first century church. That reason is a loss of a "first love" experience mentioned in Revelation 2:4. In Revelation chapter 2 we read that Jesus is affirming the testimony of the church in that they worked hard, they stood the test of persecution but they had "left the love they had at the beginning."
When we weaken in our faith, we weaken in our practice. I would suggest that a major reason supernatural gifts were seen less after the first century church was not at all because God was not intending them to be functioning but because of a faith and love crisis within the church. When that happens it is very difficult for the next generation to rediscover what has been lost. It has never been modeled or taught to them. It is not presented to them as something to seek and often taught as not to be sought. Yet, even among those who teach the supernatural gifts of yesterday are not needed in the modern church, they still teach about spiritual warfare. They tell us how we must battle in the heavenly realm with demonic powers and principalities. Certainly the use of Scripture is essential in obtaining victory. Yet, as Peter demonstrated in his ministry the Christian ministry help for the hurting must come from the internal spring of "such as I have." It is Christ in us that is the "hope of glory." Christ in us consists of the Life of Christ, the Words of Christ as well as the supernatural power and authority of Christ. As we enter deeper and deeper into the last days we encounter an amplification of Satanic and antichrist activity in the earth. No generation in history has ever needed the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit like this generation. Why would God withdraw this power when it is needed most? He did not! He has not! There is written evidence in the second and third century of spiritual gifts and miracles still happening. They never ceased but lukewarm Christianity quenched the Spirit. There is a direct correlation between faith and spiritual gifts. We prophesy according to our faith. (Romans 12:6)
What is our answer? We must return to a first love faith! Jesus must become the focus of the Church even more so than mission or movement or reaching a generation. As we seek Him He will be found. When He is found in his fullness the Church will manifest Him in His fullness. When His Church manifests His fullness the world will be saved, delivered from bondage and activated into like ministry.
"Yes, this old-time pow’r was given
To our fathers who were true;
This is promised to believers,
And we all may have it too." (Charles D. Tillman 1895)
Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."