Over 40 years ago, the late A. S. Worley told me, "I marvel at the lack of discernment in the Body of Christ." It was during a season of great revival. You would think that revival would be a time of great revelation and discernment. Revival is usually an emphasis on a particular theme. There have been revivals of repentance, revivals that focused upon backsliders returning to the Lord, and revivals emphasizing the works of the Holy Spirit. These types of revivals are not necessarily balanced in Christian doctrine. They are works of God that are magnified but not the complete work of God. They are not all we need to develop to our full potential in God. When we are in the river of revival, we are flowing in a particular strengthening of an area that has lost its fervency. Therefore, it is needed to be brought back to the fore. The problem, especially for those who are converted during these special seasons, is that they assume they are enjoying all they need to live the overcoming life in Jesus. That is all they have known. They find themselves at a great disadvantage. They need their sails enlarged and their vision sharpened. They need an exposure to a larger portion of Truth beyond the stream of which they are a part. It is not that what they are experiencing is wrong, it is just incomplete. The result of this limited exposure to truth is a limited discernment. They are like a child with a limited world view.
Romans 12: 1-2 tells us there is a renewing of our mind in Christ that leads to knowing and doing the will of God. Verse 2 tells us that "by testing you may discern what is the will of God..." Then in Philippians 1:9 the Scripture says that "your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment so that you may approve what is excellent..." Discernment is a process that comes through living in the wide exposure to the Scripture and not a limited emphasis of some group or stream. It actually is a dangerous thing to feast only upon the words of a single view of God and his word. We must study for ourselves the entire Bible. Read the Bible with prayer for the Holy Spirit to direct us. Our minds will be renewed and discernment will be enriched. Discernment here is not the same as the gift of discerning of spirits which is quicker in its operation than daily discernment. Daily discernment like faith comes and develops slowly and regularly as it is under the influences of the living Word of God and the active Holy Spirit within. Let me encourage you to move beyond the stale emphases that were living in the past and seek the Lord for His current living Word for you today. You aren't looking for a new emphasis but a broader expression of who He is in a fuller revelation of His truth. Be courageous enough to let his full truth adjust your past partial truth. By partial past truth, I mean the partial truth of some past experience or movement. We must always approach the throne of grace with an adjustable heart toward God, His Word and the Holy Spirit. We must rid ourselves of spiritual preferences and be willing to be changed, strengthened and expanded, always growing into a larger understanding of God. A greater discernment will be a part of your progress.