Matthew 28:18 "And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.19Go therefore and make disciples..." People today act as if we don't have the right to intervene into the lives of others and try to win their souls to Jesus so that they may spend eternity with Him. However, we do have the right to do all we can to introduce others to Jesus. The foundation of the Great Commission above begins with the words of Jesus telling us we have the right and the responsibility because He gave us His authority to do so. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore!" We have the authority but having the authority doesn't negate good behavior as we seek to help people. We should't be rude and socially irresponsible as we represent the Lord Jesus. The Bible tells us that Jesus had favor with God and man. We need to seek to win people to Jesus within that framework of favor. Often zealous church folks drive people away because they are more focused on a method than on love and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. One thing that non-christian people are keenly sensitive to is the motive of the one approaching them. If they sense you are selfishly motivated by anything other than love, the true love of Jesus, they will reject you. There are rare times when you may be able to lead a stranger to the Lord but even then you must make a friend of that new convert and love them on into the church and a stable place in fellowship with the Lord. Don't abandon that new "baby in Jesus on the steps of the fire station." It is not the responsibility of someone else to make a disciple of your convert.
It is the responsibility of every believer to "father what you birth."It is much easier to birth than to father or mother a person in their early days as a Christian. Yes, go and make disciples but do it in the loving atmosphere of kindness and gentleness. Remember that these new converts will follow the same pattern you set for them.
It is the responsibility of every believer to "father what you birth."It is much easier to birth than to father or mother a person in their early days as a Christian. Yes, go and make disciples but do it in the loving atmosphere of kindness and gentleness. Remember that these new converts will follow the same pattern you set for them.