Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, I received the greatest Valentine's gift possible today. My new granddaughter came home from the hospital! She was born at 5:02 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 12 at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Beverly Hills, Ca. My daughter, Tarah, was in labor for 36 hours! Her husband Scott is a trooper and may be the best husband and father I have ever seen in operation. It was quite an ordeal but the end result was worth it. Easy for me to say, right? Her name is Lucia Terese Crabb. Lucia is the Latin version of my Mother's name, Lucille. Of course, Terese is a shortened version of my wife's name, Teresa. My heart is full as I have held Lucia several hours today and simply watched her sleep. As I feel the celebration of my heart over the birth of this little angel, I am reminded of Prov. 13:12 that says, "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life". I have been married almost 40 years and for several years I have wanted, no yearned for grandchildren. I can't explain what has gone on inside of me for several years but the desire was just there. As it lingered, it was disappointing as hope was deferred, but today I can honestly say, "it is a tree of life".

I wonder what thing you are yearning for today? What is that desire that you have decided would never be fulfilled? I can tell you that if that thing in your heart is from the Lord, it is never too late. There is a day of fulfillment. There is a day when the answer comes. There is a precise moment for a miracle. Be encouraged this Valentine's Day! Reach down deep and stir and arouse that dream of your heart once again. Warm it through prayer and energize it by faith. Any day now could be your day when you will experience your "tree of life"!

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