Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday?

As a kid I used to struggle every Good Friday. Everyone seemed to be so happy about it. In the South it was always the most beautiful time of year. Actually, for about two weeks, we live in the most beautiful place in the world. The azaleas and dogwoods are in full bloom and new neon green leaves are popping out of every tree and plant. If it weren't for all the runny noses and bloodshot eyes from all the pollen, it would be just about perfect. Good Friday was also the day that my Mother insisted that her garden be planted! I couldn't figure that out. What in the world did Good Friday have to do with planting a garden? However, my Mama put us all to work. Days prior she usually hired someone to plow the one acre field directly behind our house with a tractor. They would set the rows just right, ready for the seeds and plants. This was a big garden with corn, tomatoes, potatoes beans and peas of all varieties and all kinds of other veggies. She would take us all out there for planting day. It was such a chore for me but Mama was probably never happier than on this day. She loved dirt! She did until the day she died. Even when she moved to more of a "city" location, she still would dig up a little bit of her lawn and plant stuff.

Why did I struggle with Good Friday? Because when I became old enough to understand the story of Easter, it struck me. Good Friday? This is the day they nailed Jesus to the cross and he died there! What's so good about Good Friday, I thought? That's the day the world killed Jesus when only a few days before they hailed him as King and shouted, Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed he is who comes in the name of the Lord"! What's so good about it? Let me tell you what's so good about Good Friday. This is a celebration of the day when all of Heaven's visions would be set into motion. This is the day that all the types and shadows would end. This is the day when all the arguments would cease and Jesus, the Lamb of God would step from the background to become the center of history of all mankind. Let me tell you why Good Friday is Good Friday. It's because Sunday is Coming!

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