Monday, January 26, 2009

Tiffany Update

Thank you for your continued prayers for Tiffany until full restoration is complete. As of today the plan is for Tiffany to fly from Dubai to Atlanta later in the next week. Teresa will meet her in Atlanta and the two will fly to San Diego. She has been accepted at Project Walk in Carlsbad, California. You can check it out at:
Project walk is a pretty hard core program that requires all participants to sign an application saying "they believe they will walk"! That is what Tiffany is looking for. Her international insurance is refusing to pay for the rehab because it is in the U. S. A number of people have said that they wanted to contribute to these costs. I am now working on setting up an account through which donors may give toward Tiffany's rehab costs. I will give you more on that later this week but I wanted to let you know the progress to this point. Thank you again for your love, concern and prayers.



jehovah productions said...

you made our day papa. god bless and have a most superfantastical day in Christ!

jehovah productions said...

One more quick thing please sir. Dubai, UAE has come up often the past few weeks in the briefings I pour over concerning the Middle East. Movements of Islamic radicals have stepped it up a notch in that area. Maybe your prayers for Tiffany's safety have been answered the only way God can....BEST.

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