Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Team Leadership - Delegation

1. Determine the task to be delegated?

2. To whom will you delegate the task?

3. Training (What tasks need training? Who will train the person?)

4. Details (What are the appropriate limits of authority? What are the time, money, or resource limits for this project?)

5. Express confidence (How will you communicate your confidence in this person’s ability to succeed?)

6. Inform others (Who inside and outside of the team should be informed this person has this particular responsibility?)

7. Check points ( What are the check points to know if the person is on track?)

8. Availability (When will you be available for help while at the same time encouraging independence? Who should the person go to if you are not available?)

Some additional hints edited from “Job Aids” by Mike Lynch and Harvey Lifton, Amherst, Mass.: HRD Press, 1998:

If you can’t establish performance standards or monitor the results, don’t delegate.

Take the time to communicate effectively.

Insist on quality results, not perfection.

Learn to live with differences.

Don’t short-circuit or take back assignments.

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