Monday, November 23, 2009

When Others Interfere With The Will Of God For You

I know this sounds strange, but there are times when others can hinder or even stop the will of God in your life. Let me give you an example. There have been times in my life when I have been a part of a leadership team that moved as a team in making decisions. I remember at one point when I felt that I was supposed to go to a certain Nation to work with leaders there. I was also a Senior Pastor of a church working with elders. When I shared my desire to go to this country, there was a group feeling that I was not to go. I had to make a decision to believe in the process of God's government as we moved as a group. I didn't go. About two years later one of the leaders said to me, "I believe we missed God and that you were supposed to go". That was a very unusual situation of something that hasn't happened many times in my life and ministry. It did however, serve as a check point for me to see if I would in fact submit to the team. Submission isn't submission unless it is tested. I have also known of men of God that felt they were to go to a church as the Senior Pastor only to have the local elders make a decision to call someone else. Let us evaluate this kind of situation that could very well mean that God's will was hindered in your life.

First of all, there are times, like in the case of the man who felt he was to be the new pastor but hindered by local elders, when things are out of your control. What should you do?

1. Don't take it personally. Taking it personally will cause you to try to redeem yourself, lead a rebellion or at the very least become embittered. This will taint you and leave you less effective when the next opportunity for ministry arises.

2. Submit yourself to God in humility. This is the evidence that you see God as your source and not man.

3. Get your heart in a place of neutrality. Only from a neutral posture will you be able to on with a pure heart. Don't let the past pollute your future.

4. Set your heart to believe that the Lord will promote you. A person who fights for position is not a person of faith.

5. Don't allow anyone to try to start a war on your behalf. Again, sowing and reaping will come into play and you may sabotage your future.

This topic is a rare case study but it happens. If man hinders the will of God for you today, the right attitude and action can release heaven to bring you into a new place to experience the perfect will of God. Man may slow the process but only you can stop it.

1 comment:

Terry Shiver said...

Good word!! However, point one "Don't take it personally" is difficult at best. Primarily because everything that touches our lives is personal. With that understanding, I have found it very helpful to "keep my expectations in check." Such view is similar to point three on being neutral, but underscores the involvement of our personalities. Thanks again for a good word. Happy Thanksgiving!

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