Running from Shadows
I am spending time in South Florida with my two granddaughters. Since Juliet is the new one most of my time is spent entertaining, and I do mean entertaining Lucia the 3 year old. Of course I am the one who does most of the "burping" duties for Juliet. I seem to have the touch in that department!
This morning Lucia got up at her normal 6:30 time! The first thing she wanted to do was go into the room with her baby sister. Teresa (AKA: "Gigia") and I went into full distraction mode trying to keep her from waking the baby. Lucia was showing me her new baby doll that does all the things a real baby does...really! When we opened the box to this new doll, out ran this little tiny mouse! Well, we thought it was a mouse or roach or something but then we realized it was a toy. We aren't sure how it got in the box but when this ugly little orange thing started running all over the floor it was pretty scary and especially for Lucia. (Me too!) I forgot about this little creepy thing this morning and then Lucia screams from the living room. I run in to find that Lucia had thrown her baby doll, her most prized possession, in the floor and taken refuge on the couch. I caught the little invader and examined him. I called Lucia over and explained it was really a machine that vibrated and was covered with plastic. One she saw and understood the reality of the situation she lost her fear of this unknown, uninvited guest and began playing with it.
I'm sure you know where I'm going with this and forgive the long story to get here! We have all had things we were afraid of and it often restricted our lives. You may be in just such a place now. Fear may have caused you to abandon the things that matter most to you and has left you hiding and running from shadows or something that cannot really hurt you. You see, the devil is a liar. Jesus called him the father of lies! He operates with lies, fear, oppression and always in darkness. It is time for you to face your fears. Jesus has promised to deliver you from all fear. As a matter of fact the Scripture says, "perfect love casts out all fear". Even at this moment see the reality that Jesus is with you in the middle of your fear. He is greater than any enemy! Get up off the couch now and face your fear. You will find not only will Jesus walk you through it but you will also find out that much of what you have feared is only a shadow.