Thursday, July 14, 2011

Feelings in the Church
In my last blog I talked about feelings and the error of allowing feelings to be our guide in life. Now let's take a look at feelings in the church. What we feel is something that causes us to help people through our empathy and sympathy. What we feel at times can be a warning to avoid danger. Feelings is a mental and emotional reaction to an experience. Yet, as we discussed last week feelings are much too subjective to serve us well as our primary guide through life. Feelings are limited to ability to sense and comprehend. In reality feelings are two dimensional, defined by what we feel(body) and think(mind). Faith on the other hand certainly includes those two dimensions but adds the third dimension of the supernatural, the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God makes his habitation or home in the "believer". From that moment on this new believer, this three dimensional being begins to experience something that was lost by Adam in the garden. Most feelings/emotions are basically a much weakened version of a God-connected spirit.
The new believer is in contact with God through His Spirit but this relationship is kept pure and true by the Scripture. There is an inseparable relationship between God's Word and His Spirit. As long as we continue in His Word and are filled with His Spirit we are functional as heaven intended. The moment we move away from either of the two we are on a path toward deception.
In the Church there has been this tendency to move away from operating in these two necessary relationships, the Word and Spirit. The result is that the Church, a supernatural entity begins to be run by "feelings". Someone said, "all Word with no Spirit you dry up, all Spirit with no Word you blow up but the Spirit and the Word causes us to grow up."
Let's examine our condition today and the condition of our church leadership. Think back leaders, did your last leadership meeting seem to be led more by the Holy Spirit or feelings and opinions? The good news is that getting back on track can be done quickly!

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