Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's Not Enough To Believe in God

It's an easy thing to think that because you believe in God, that is enough to cause you to be successful and have your prayers answered.  It's not!  Many people who believe in God never see miracles or experience His involvement in their lives.  They are very serious about their efforts but it seems they are not a lot different than non believers that they know.  Faith is a very specific life.  Faith is not an exercise of belief in a system of rules or even a belief in God.  For the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, faith is a believing in the God that is in you!  Let me say it a different way: It's not enough to believe in God, you must believe in the God in you!

The revelation of God in you earth shaking!  It's like one of the old cowboy and indian movies where the cowboys are surrounded and they are waiting on the Cavalry to arrive and save them.   True believers who are filled with the Holy Spirit aren't waiting on the Calvary to arrive.  Yes, they get into situations that are bigger than they and yes, at times they feel overwhelmed.  However, at that moment this Truth makes all the difference in the world (and heaven).  It is that faith in the God who lives in you that causes the believer to rise to the occasion and that faith in what is within releases supernatural power to bring the remedy!  It requires a daily exercise of faith in practicing the presence of God.  This is when you learn what it means to "pray without ceasing".  Begin today!  Believe in the Jesus who resides inside you and is actively engaged in your daily life.  However, you must believe in Him and that he is not a visitor but one who makes his habitation within you.  

Monday, January 16, 2012

Local Church: God’s Idea

 It seems more and more people are questioning the validity of the local church. Investigation and questioning is a healthy part of research. Mo The st of those who have questions are new believers or seekers who are looking to fill the God-shaped void in their lives. However, all too many who are questioning the identity of the local church are those who have been a part of a church and left wounded. As I travel, I am seeing it across America. They are easy to spot and they are usually saying the same things. You will hear them say things like, “I will never again be a part of an organized church. My relationship with the church was hindering my relationship with Jesus. I am getting back to the basics and don’t feel a need to have the church as a part of that scenario.” There are a number of problems with this kind of thinking. First, almost all of those saying such things are still carrying hurt and disappointment from their last involvement with the church. They are trying to cover it, but just beneath the surface of their efforts to walk with Jesus apart from the church is this souring, overly sweet religious bitterness to which they are blind. Another very popular phrase being used to hide an unwillingness to walk with a local church is, “I am pursuing the Kingdom of God and don’t have time for such trivial things as the local church.” Let us look at the Bible and not opinions to see what God thinks of all this. First of all, Jesus is the one who birthed the church on the Day of Pentecost. Prior to that event, Jesus had said to Peter, “I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” The church was not Peter’s idea and it is not the idea of any man, it was the plan of God from the foundation of the earth. As a matter of fact, a part of the reason for the death of Jesus on the cross was to redeem and sanctify the church unto Himself. (Eph. 5:25) What then constitutes the church of the Lord Jesus? What is the Church? The Greek word for Church is Ekklesia which is defined as “an assembly or called out ones”. The church is a group called out from the world in order to assemble not separate. The root meaning of the church is not that of a building, but a people. Many people, if asked what church they attend, will give you the address of their building. In the New Testament, the church was referred to as the church that “meets at someone’s house”. The local church is a body of believers. Who is the Church? The Church is the Body of Christ. In Eph 1:22 the Scripture tell us, “And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all”. The Body of Christ then is made up of all believers from the Day of Pentecost until today. Jesus is the Head of his church. The Composition of the Church Now, it gets very interesting. When we look at the composition or makeup of the church, we must realize that there is a general composition of the church, and there is specific functional composition. In the general sense, as I have already said, all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are a part of the Church universal whether they are members of a local church or not. However, while the church is universal in composition, it is local in function. A person who is a believer but not a part of a local church is like a baby who is born in an orphanage. He is certainly real, a part of the human race, but it was never intended by God that a child should live outside of family. As you read Romans chapter 12, you find a clear description of this. The first few verses deal with salvation and the renewed mind. Then Paul begins to teach the new Christian how to live within the local church. This is where God intends all Christians to live, grow, serve and expand in their function as a believer. To try to live outside the local church is to be separated from the “iron sharpening iron” process which is vital to maturing. I don’t have to talk to a person very long to discern whether or not they are a part of a local church. While we all know the Church is not perfect, yet, it is within this family of God that we as followers of Jesus are perfected. An important aspect of the composition of the local church is governmental structure. Just as a family must have Biblical order, so must the church. Hebrews 13:17 tells us to “obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls…” This leadership team is a critical part of the church. In history, when any society is formed, government or a form of leadership must quickly follow or anarchy develops. Another healthy aspect of the local church is diversity. The church should be very diverse in its chemistry. People from all walks of life are supposed to be learning to live around one another. The church can never be an elite group of people who have decided with whom they will walk. That would be the sin of racism or showing partiality which is forbidden in Scripture. The Purpose of the Church Since the church is the church of Jesus, our purpose must be His purpose. What then should a true church of Jesus be doing? Here are a few things clearly defined in Scripture: Loving God and Man – Matthew 22:37-40 Preaching the Gospel of salvation Preparing the members for ministry Activating and overseeing the ministry of the members Extending the Kingdom of God in their community Preparing the church to be the Bride of Christ at the Second Coming of Jesus. In Summary, a person becomes a part of the Universal Church the moment they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and are saved. They then begin their journey as a disciple by becoming an active part of a local church that has a structure made up of Biblically qualified leaders who provide an arena for assembling themselves together. In this spiritual family environment, these believers are given protective and nurturing oversight with a goal of bringing that believer to a place of health and maturity manifesting itself in outward ministry to the lost. We don’t have the option of trying to live without the church nor do we have the right to try to function in a group made up of those like us who have redefined what we want the church to be. Remember, the Church was Jesus’ idea and He has already clearly defined it in Scripture. It is for this church that He will return.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Church Leadership Thoughts for 2012

As we begin a new year it would be good to remember some past lessons before launching into the future.
I thought I might blog this week with some church leadership bullet reminders.  We'll call it a pre-flight check list:

  • Give clear, strong, loving leadership.  Make the vision plain.  Talk about it often.

  • Provide care for the entire flock.  (All ages)

  • Provide care for the community.  (Outreach)  

  • Provide for a leadership training track.

  • Regain and maintain momentum.

  • Make sure each leadership title has leadership responsibility.  (No one on the sidelines)
Let's have a great year in 2012!

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012: It doesn't have to be the same!

2012 doesn't have to be the same unless you decide to accept the past as your future.  That's not hype but a fact.  The truth is, things will remain the same unless we decide to act.  I can't tell you how many times I didn't have a clue as to my next sermon and days and days would pass without a thought arriving from heaven!  Then as I would sit and start writing, the pump was primed and the thoughts would begin to flow.  The same is true in every area of life.  Newton said, "an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion..."Unfortunately, there are some who spend their entire lives hoping their lives of inactivity will somehow generate some positive change.  It's an impossibility!  

Now let me prophesy!  Some who are reading this right now don't necessarily need a "New Word" to arrive from heaven.  You need to rediscover an old direction or word from the past that you never acted upon by faith.  Find that word, dust it off, pray over it and see what resurrects.  Some of those things were of no fault of yours, some were old seeds that needed to die and are ready to bring forth fruit in 2012.  It's a new season!

2012 will not be determined by Wall Street or the White House for you and me!  Our new year will be determined by our acting in faith according to a new or rediscovered Word from the Lord.  

Happy New Year!

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