Monday, January 2, 2012

2012: It doesn't have to be the same!

2012 doesn't have to be the same unless you decide to accept the past as your future.  That's not hype but a fact.  The truth is, things will remain the same unless we decide to act.  I can't tell you how many times I didn't have a clue as to my next sermon and days and days would pass without a thought arriving from heaven!  Then as I would sit and start writing, the pump was primed and the thoughts would begin to flow.  The same is true in every area of life.  Newton said, "an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion..."Unfortunately, there are some who spend their entire lives hoping their lives of inactivity will somehow generate some positive change.  It's an impossibility!  

Now let me prophesy!  Some who are reading this right now don't necessarily need a "New Word" to arrive from heaven.  You need to rediscover an old direction or word from the past that you never acted upon by faith.  Find that word, dust it off, pray over it and see what resurrects.  Some of those things were of no fault of yours, some were old seeds that needed to die and are ready to bring forth fruit in 2012.  It's a new season!

2012 will not be determined by Wall Street or the White House for you and me!  Our new year will be determined by our acting in faith according to a new or rediscovered Word from the Lord.  

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Terry Shiver said...

All things serve those who serve Him!!! More Lord, more!! Bring it!!

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