Thursday, June 27, 2013

Characteristics of a Prodigal

The story of the Prodigal Son recorded in Luke 15 is a parable told by Jesus and as all the parables of Jesus, it is told to teach us life lessons.  Today I want to focus on the characteristics of the prodigal.  First we see that a prodigal begins his departure from reasonable thinking with unsound thinking. It goes without saying that before he approached his father he had given considerable thought to his decision to leave home.  Once he approached his father he spoke what he had been thinking, "I want my part of the inheritance."  He was asking for something out of season.  It wasn't time for his inheritance to come to him and that meant he wasn't prepared to handle it wisely.  Of course his desire to get his hands on the money wasn't motivated by sound stewardship!  In essence he was making a decision to come out from under his father's "covering".  A covering is a number of things including a place of tutelage.  This is the reason why the Scripture tells us in the Church that we are not to put a novice into a leadership office.  He or she is not yet ready to assume such a role. They need to spend more time under tutelage.  It is not fair to them nor the Church to release them into leadership too soon.  

Once the prodigal gets the money they almost always run away to a "far country".  In this out of the way place they can party without the eye or influence of their rightful authority.  Of course their blindness can't see that they are also beyond the help of the father in the event of a crisis.  A prodigal casts caution to the wind and spends like a "drunken sailor".  The vision of the prodigal is only as far as today.  He only cares about his money lasting through the next party.  He does not have the ability to see down the road or to save for some contingency.  He scoffs at such thinking.  It is too restrictive for his free spirit.  He has been held back by his father's parameters too long!  As always happens, the money ends and crisis begins.  Just as his money ran out, and friends as well, a famine arises.  Famines are a part of seasons of life.  There are good times and bad times and that is why good stewardship is a must to healthy living.  The prodigal thought that was just the control and fearful thinking of his father. Next the prodigal, rather than returning home for help, entered into a covenant with a person "of that country".  A prodigal will seek help from everyone in a crisis but those who love him.  He can't admit the error of his ways.  Then the bottom comes. It always comes. The timing of brokenness is different for all prodigals.  This prodigal was willing to eat the pigs food and at the lowest point, sanity arrives.  He starts thinking clearer and from these thoughts he starts talking to himself. He says, "my father's servants have it better than me so I'll return home." Then he speaks the words that every prodigal must say before restoration can arrive. He said, "I have sinned!"  Brokenness is a prerequisite of restoration. He was willing to go home, lose his former position just to be back under the paternal covering again.  Of course the love of the Father would not allow it.  While the father had to allow the dealing of God to play out in the son's life (this required brokenness in the father) without interfering, once it was complete and evidenced by the brokenness and meekness of the son, it was now time to extend a fresh forgiveness and reconciliation.  The reconciliation was followed by restoration from the father.  

If you are dealing with a prodigal in your natural family or spiritual family, don't  interfere with the dealing of God in their life.  Trust God in the matter.  As the father of the prodigal we must wait on the process to run it's full course and be ready to forgive and restore when the broken one returns to the father's house.  May today be the day that you see your prodigal coming up the drive to home.  

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...

The question has been asked "Of what church are you a member?"


Acts 20:28 Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

I am a member of the church of God which Jesus purchased with His own blood.

Romans 16:16 .....all the churches of Christ greet you.

I am a member of the church of Christ.

Galatians 1:22 I was still unknown by sight to the churches of Judea which are in Christ.

I am a member of the church that is in Christ.

1 Thessalonians 2:14 For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea......

I am a member of the church of God in Christ.

I am a member of the church of the Messiah.

I am a member of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am a member of the church of the King of Kings.

I am a member of the church of the Lord of Lord's.

I am a member of the church of the Lamb of God.

I am a member of the church of the Prince of Peace.

I am a member of the church of the Son of Man.

I am am member of the church of God's only begotten Son.

I am a member of the church of the Living God.

I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

My church membership is written in the Lamb's book of life. (Rev. 20:15, Rev. 21:17)

The Lord adds the saved to His church. (Acts 2:47 ... and the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.)

Jesus gave the instruction on how to be saved and added to His church. (Mark 16:16 He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved....)


The church of King Henry the VIII.
The church of Alexander Campbell.
The church of the Pope.
The church of John Calvin.
The church Eudorus N. Bell.
The church of Alexander Mack.
The church of Mary Baker Eddy.
The church of Joseph March.
The church of John Knox.
The church of Freemasons.
The church of Charles Taze Russell.
The church Martin Luther.
The church of Menno Simons.
The church of Joesph Smith.
The church of George Fox.
The church of William Booth.
The church of Ellen G. White.
The church of Herbert W. Armstrong.
The church of John Smythe.
The churches of Catholics.
The churches of Lutherans.
The churches of Baptists.
The churches of Methodists.
The churches of Episcopalians.
The churches of Pentecostals.
The churches of Mormons.
The churches of the Salvation Army.

You can join a denomination, but the Lord adds the saved to His church.


YES, I AM A MEMBER OF THE church of CHRIST. Why, because the Lord adds the saved to His church.


FAITH: John 3:16
CONFESSION: Romans 10:9-10


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