Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Light That Irritates

One of our guest bedrooms doubles as my office.  Upon my desk is a printer, internet connection, wireless router and a cordless phone.  All these devices have small lights of some kind to let you know they are working and standing by awaiting your command or use.  While one of our adult children was staying there on a visit I entered the room to grab something.  There were all kinds of things piled on all my "electronic toys."  I wondered what is that about?  Then they told me later, "oh yeah Dad, I covered all the lights in your office so I could sleep.  It looks like Nasa down there at night!"

Light usually is a wonderful thing and especially when you are trying to see your way in the dark.  Yet, if you are enjoying the darkness like when you are trying to sleep or maybe you don't want to be seen, light can be very irritating.  John 1:5 in the NLT is a very powerful verse.  It says, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it."  I love that last part, "the darkness can never extinguish it."  The King James version says, " and the darkness comprehended it not."  Both translation are true to the original language but the NLT sheds "new light" on the subject.  More than just saying that the lost or those choosing to live in darkness can't comprehend or understand the light, this translation says that "they cannot extinguish it."  That is like trying to sleep in my office but not being able to cover up all the lights.  That is what it is like once you have been exposed to "The Light" and now you try to shut it off in your heart and head.  

I remember what it was like when I had seen the light but before I fully surrendered to Jesus.  I was living an ungodly life in darkness.  I had two challenges.  One was to plan my little schemes of activities in the darkness while trying to block out the light.  What had been enjoyable when I was totally in darkness was no longer enjoyable.  Why?  That irritating light wouldn't stop shining!  "The darkness can never extinguish it!"  Never!!!

The next time you find yourself sharing your faith with someone who seems to be totally rejecting it or even worse, not listening, remember this.  Bringing light to darkness starts an eternal flame.  They may not acknowledge it or they may not even recognize it but Truth lights the flame.  That may be all you are required to do.  Someone else may make the harvest at another time.  Just be faithful to "let your light shine!"

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