Friday, March 14, 2014

The Word Above Conscience

Our conscience is a powerful help in life. The conscience sets guidelines for living and acts as an alarm when we begin to stray from the right path.  To delve into a discussion regarding conscience would be an almost endless debate.  For example, where does a persons conscience originate.  Is it derived from nature or nurture? The Bible tells us that there is a knowledge of God within all of us when we are born.  Even nature declares his glory.  Then as we develop we are taught from an early age what our parents feel is right and wrong.  Then, if and when we become Believers in the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes within and becomes the greatest influence upon our conscience.  It becomes difficult to distinguish between the inner voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of our conscience.  

As we grow in our walk with the Lord our conscience can change.  It changes in differing ways.  It may change by becoming more strict in some areas of living and more flexible in others based upon the Light of the Scripture and the working of the Holy Spirit within us.  The Bible tells us that some people can't eat meat or drink wine because their conscience is weak and that we shouldn't try to lead a person beyond the sphere of their conscience.  That stance could change in them through time.  How then can we trust our conscience?  Generally speaking, our Holy Spirit led conscience is accurate and can be trusted.  However, our conscience is not fool proof.  Only the Scripture and the Holy Spirit are infallible.  For example, if you are around people who practice things that are against your conscience, in time you may embrace what you formerly felt was wrong.  The change could be correct and it could be wrong.  How are we to know?  An old saying tells us to "let your conscience be your guide."  That is not an absolute truth.  We must know and choose the Word of God above our conscience.  The Word is the Word of God and it "changes not".  The Word and the Spirit are in fact God.  If there is a conflict between your conscience and the Scripture,  ALWAYS CHOOSE THE SCRIPTURE.   Proverbs 14:12 says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death."
No matter how right if may seem or feel, The Word always must triumph over feelings. 

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