Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Kingdom Terrorism

Terrorism is a word that we never heard when I was a boy.  Today we hear it most days.  It has always been a part of warfare from the most ancient days.  The word itself is defined as  "the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims."  Certainly the first century Church endured both violence and intimidation as they sought to extend the Kingdom of God in the earth.  Can you imagine learning that a member of your Church was murdered from sharing their testimony at work?  How would that affect us the next time the opportunity arose to share our allegiance to Jesus?  That is the nature and the purpose of terrorism.  It is designed to silence all opposing views of the terrorist.  That is what Saul of Tarsus was all about.  He wanted to stop the "new cult", later called Christianity from spreading.  Imprisonment and execution was part of his tool box.  Until...he met Jesus personally!  Then the hunter became the hunted.  It was this former terrorist who now proclaimed "There is a wide open door for a great work here, although many oppose me." (I Cor. 16:9)  A lesson to be learned here is that there will always be opposition to the Gospel message.  The level and brand of opposition will vary according to the level of social freedom in a particular place but opposition remains constant.  In the Middle East and other places the opposition is much like it was in Paul's day.  People are still imprisoned and murdered for nothing more than the crime of telling others about Jesus. Let's remember our comrades in the love for Jesus and pray for them.  

A Gospel that has been diluted for personal consumption has implied that God is such a God of love and mercy that He never allows his children to suffer.  They gleefully eat spiritual meals from the pulpit that teach of a God who resembles Walt Disney more than Father God.  Now that doesn't mean we need to return to preaching our own brand of Christian terrorism where we use fear and intimation to get people to live according to our standards but we do need to teach Biblical Truth and perspective.  It is the Truth that not only sets us free but also strengthens us and prepares us for war and terrorism from the enemy.  Notice Paul's attitude.  Opposition was not a surprise for him.  He seemed very much at peace and excited in his work in the midst of opposition or terrorism.   Yes he wrote that "many people oppose me", but his emphasis was on "There is a wide open door for a great work here."

May we live and prepare others to live understanding that opposition WILL be a part of our journey and work as "ambassadors for Christ."

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