Monday, January 19, 2015


Wannabe is a real word! It is defined on Wikipedia as, "a person who wishes to be or do something, but lacks the qualifications or talent."  We have rock star wannabes, athlete wannabes, and even cool wannabes!  A wannabe is different from a real person of ambition or drive.  Those people are on a track to accomplishment because they have chosen a field for which they are qualified to achieve.  I have written before about the limitations which we have. The gifting of God and His grace creates a sphere in which we are pretty much contained. I know we don't like it but there are limitations for all of us.  There are giftings or talents as the Scripture says.  For one to live their life struggling to accomplish outside of their "talents" is wasted effort and can actually rob them of the energy to be successful within their own God given sphere.  A person who is gifted to be an assistant manager but not a manager is programmed to want to be a manager.  They might be a tremendous assistant manager but would be a failure at the senior position.  Please understand that I am not saying it is better to "settle".  We should all seek to live to our full potential within our sphere of ability.  

For a Christian, the desire to "wannabe" something other than their God given measure is really a self image problem.  It is unrealistic!  It is in fact an anger and energy directed to God, not willing to embrace His creation in us.  We want to be something different than God intended.  Certainly, most people live far below the plan of God but some waste their lives dissatisfied with their spiritual DNA.  As I write this I am thinking of many wannabe preachers I have known. A lot of Bible School towns are filled with preacher wannabes delivering pizzas awaiting the Church world to recognize their anointing.  Some waste their lives and their families suffer from this identity problem.  If they could have embraced their sphere earlier in life they could have avoided a lot of struggle and heartache.  

There are also doctrinal wannabes. These are the folks that think the grass is greener at a different church.  There are Jewish wannabes who really want to be Messianic Jews.  I talked to one Messianic Rabbi who said confidentially, "why do Gentiles want to be Jews? Why can't they just be Gentle believers."  I remember one denominational pastor who struggled to be accepted by the contemporary spiritual movement of his day.  He was so much of the movement that he was rejected by his denomination and so much denominational that he was rejected by the movement.  The end result was his entire career he was greatly limited in his effectiveness.  He suffered and his family suffered as well.  Find out who you are in Christ and live in that role as successfully as you can. You may not be waiting on God so much as you may be fighting your identity wherein lies your station of success.

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