Monday, May 4, 2015

Leadership Fortitude

Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister of England from 1938-1940.  It was a terrible time to be PM of England but not as difficult as it would be for Winston Churchill after 1940 through World War II.  Chamberlain is known mostly for his appeasement foreign policy in allowing Hitler an open door to much of Europe.  He knew Hitler was a madman with tyrannical beliefs.  He knew he was wrong but he yielded to his enemy hoping the enemy would leave him and his Country alone.  He opened the door for what almost became world domination by Hitler.  It was Churchill who stood the ground with his "never surrender" policy, even when the U.S. who wouldn't join him.  He kept saying we will never surrender even if England has to go it alone!  The point that I want to make in all this history is that Chamberlain's problem was not one of leadership ignorance, it was one of a lack of leadership fortitude. 

Most of the time when there is a costly mistake in leadership made, it is not a matter of not knowing the right thing to do, but a matter of not having the strength of character to do the right thing, regardless of the cost.  Moses kept reminding Joshua that he must be courageous in his leadership mission.  Paul reminded Timothy to act like a leader and resist timidity.  Many battles have been lost because of timidity of action.  Lincoln looked far and wide for a General that would fight until he found Grant.  The same is true in WWII until Patton was found.  Churchill was the man of the hour and probably the man of the century because he had leadership fortitude.  Surround yourself with Godly leaders as counselors.  There is safety in that.  Then act when the time comes to act.  

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