Wednesday, March 25, 2020

To Aspire To Live Quietly

1 Thessalonians 4:11 (ESV)...aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs"
It has been very interesting to participate in and observe the reactions of people to social distancing and isolation due to the Covid-19 virus.  It is a quieter world in some ways.  If you remove the panic and anxiety of some, you sense a peace and stillness that isn't our modern norm.  A lot of things are being uncovered.  Addictions are surfacing for what they are.  Addictions for the Christian are idols of the soul.  They are things that share the throne of our spirit man with Jesus.  King Jesus wants to reign in our lives from our hearts without competition.  Certainly, as a spirit, mind and body creation, we are interested and involved in many different activities that are good and healthy.  But none of those things can become idols to us. They can't become things we just can't live without.  Feelings of withdrawal are cracks revealed in our devotion to the Lord. I've noticed that liquor stores are offering to deliver you alcoholic beverages right to your door!  How convenient.  That would only be critically important to the one with an addiction.  But what about other idols of the soul?  What about the noise of activities, the distraction of entertainment, the illusion of service to God by many good works.  Our verse above, the words of the Apostle Paul, tells us to "aspire or set as a goal a quiet life." At least make as an aim a quieter life.  The life of a follower of Jesus, a disciple, is to first hear and then obey the voice of the Holy Spirit.  Hearing and obeying...that's it!  A great man of God that had accomplished much was once asked what was the secret of his success.  He said, "I pray and I obey." Aspire to live  quietly Paul says.  It is in that quiet life that a controlled life is found.  It is within this sanctuary of worship in our spirit that we can actually hear the voice of God.  It is difficult to hear His Voice as a prisoner of entertainment.  It is difficult to hear his voice in the clamor of social interaction.  It is even very difficult to hear his voice in the crowded life of Christian ministry. I know.  I've lived there.  I've had to fight the ongoing war of clearing my life to hear God's direction and instruction.  We often become desperate because we have stopped hearing and get into trouble.  We stop everything, cry out to God and we hear!  He's always speaking.  We only heard because we removed ourself from the whirlwind and entered the spiritual sanctuary of His presence.  

Today, cast aside the anxiety, the uncertainty of the current crisis.  But please, may we all learn from this time of shutdown about "aspiring to live quietly." May we all evaluate our addictions, remove their power over us, and reestablish King Jesus on the throne of our hearts once again.

Isaiah 26:20 "Come, my people, enter your chambers,
and shut your doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until the fury has passed by."


Brinson and Lori said...

great word today Pastor LA! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Very "right on" Pastor LA! Love from New Life Christan Fellowship in Michigan. J Davis

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