Sunday, May 11, 2008

Can you take the truth?

Making a decision to believe a lie leads to a dark and unprotected place. Yet, we seem proned to turn away from reality and prefer our own perception of truth. We like our view and so we convince ourselves that our take on things is right even if the majority of those around us seem to have a different view. What pride and arrogance! Yet, it is our first inclination when we encounter truth that is in contradiction to our chosen path. This blind obedience to the altar of self love leads us to shipwreck time and time again.

Only the Cross of Jesus and the embracing of that cross can deliver us from this habit of self delusion. There has to be a healing deep within that stems from an open and honest look into the recesses of our heart. Only a converted heart can look at itself in the light of Holy Spirit Truth. Once we see and embrace the painful process of honesty leading to healing, then, and only then are we ready to move to the next level. As long as we have a convoluded perspective of our own condition, we have a skewed view of the identity of God. We then try to make God become who we want Him to be. God is free of all our uncertainties. God is not a God who conforms to our view of Him. He is quite comfortable in his own skin. He is who he is!

Let us face ourselves with Truth and allow the HolySpirit to shine deep within us, to bring healing once and for all. It takes courage, but once completed, we will see and experience God as he is and in his fullness. From this platform of wholeness and honesty we are now more able to be a transporter of Truth.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

Good thought, Pastor L.A. Reminds me of one of the best movie quotes evvvvver..."You can't handle the truth!"

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