Monday, November 3, 2008

The individual journey

For about a year now, I can't get this "every man has a journey" thought off my mind. I see it everywhere. The more I meditate on it, the bigger it gets. It really brings into play, the sovereignty of God. The fact that God has a plan for each of us on this planet is mind boggling! If that is true, and I believe it is with all my heart, that means I need to be careful just how much I get involved in other's lives.

When I first became a Pastor in my mid 20's, I felt this need to have all the answers for everyone who came to see me. Then there came the revelation and liberation that I did not have to have all the answers for everyone. Truth be told, I knew all along I didn't have all the answers, but the people seemed to think I should so I acted like I did! That's a great pressure. Then came the realization that not only did I not have the answers but I could get in the way of people and their walk with the Lord if I became too involved in their special journey. It has been said that "necessity is the father of invention". I think that all too often we as counselors, pastors, parents and friends get so involved in trying to "help", that we get in God's way and stop the normal process of "necessity". Thus, there is no invention. In spiritual matters we would say that the end result of such spiritual meddling stops revelation or worse hinders growth. There is a place for just groping in what appears to be darkness until you break into the sunshine of a new level of maturity. Like the little chick working to break from the shell of the egg, it is the strenuous effort that not only brings release but the effort itself is a preparation for the next level of living.

We need to step back from the problems of others and pray. Just because I can stop another person's pressure, does that mean that I am supposed to? Yes, we are called to help those around us. However, like the little chick, too much help at the wrong time could kill or dwarf the life that will result from the struggle. Let others have their own journey. Trust the Lord to bring them along in His way and in His time. Be ready to assist them as the Lord leads but let it be out of the true leading of the Lord and not mere human emotion or worse, a desire to control.

1 comment:

Terry Shiver said...

This is exactly where the "Shepherding Movement" miss it!!! Good insight.

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