Friday, November 14, 2008

The Kingdom View

One of the most difficult things about the Christian walk is our mindset. While the "new birth" reality occurs instantaneously the moment we receive Christ, we are going to heaven, yet, the mental understanding of that reality is a life long pursuit. We all know that our salvation has nothing to do with our "feeling saved". Thank God! While this is truth, we can't settle in that place of immature thinking and the acceptance of mediocrity. We must always be pushing ourselves to let our minds embrace what God says about us.

The Apostle Paul seems to lace his grace filled writings with the most troubling comments. Several come to mind; the fact that he says in one place "I have learned to be content". On another he says, while rebuking the church at Corinth, "you are acting like mere men". Mere men...aren't we mere men? Obviously not. Once we receive Jesus into our lives and we begin this cohabitation with the Holy Spirit, we are different than natural men. Our tastes and appetites change and yes, our thinking changes. That is what the "renewing of the mind is all about.

When we think of these kinds of things our self-centered motivations immediately make it very personal and we think about personal gain. We think, "that should make my life better or easier". In reality a renewed mind and a daily awareness in this area causes us to think with a Kingdom of God mindset. If a person or a church for that matter, are operating from a Kingdom mindset it will be reflected in the their goals and the church's vision. A church with a renewed mind, one that is not dictated by the tastes and demands of the world, will have in it's forefront worship, righteousness, world missions, evangelism, discipleship, the priesthood of the believer and a caring for the less fortunate. It will be consumed by a desire to do the will of God more than building what it believes is a good thing or maybe a drawing card.

Mere Men...let's give it some thought!

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