Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Remember the Basics
I have mentioned this before but I continue to see it overlooked. It is that truth that says, "get the fundamentals right". Over and over as I deal with challenging situations in ministries and ministers, almost always the problem came through an overlooking or an abandonment of some fundamental. Just as professional athletes who fail usually miss the mark over fundamentals, so do Christian leaders.
What kind of fundamentals? Here is a list of some little fundamentals that can cause serious problems:
1. Private Devotions - So many get so busy working for God that they forget to spend time alone with him. It's like going on a long trip and making all the preparation but filling the tank with gas. Even the biggest names have gotten into trouble over this critical basic.
2. Get rid of bitterness- Leaders tell people to forgive and get rid of bitterness all day, all the while carrying bitterness in their own hearts.
3. Take a sabbath rest- anyone who gets so busy working for God that they believe the Kingdom can't afford for them to have a day off is in idolatry. They have made their ministries an idol.
4. Enjoy the ministry- while the ministry can be a crucible at times, it still should be enjoyed as the calling that it is. When ministry turns into something you and your family endures, you are in trouble.
5. See God as your source- the moment you begin to see paychecks, leadership teams, or individuals as controlling your provision, you are no longer seeing God as your source. There is a place in faith where, while receiving a paycheck, God is still your source. This posture will open the windows of heaven for provision far beyond your "seen" source.
6. Never counsel, spend time with or talk on the phone too much with the opposite sex other than your mate. People are still doing it!!! Stop it!
7. Keep your mate as the love of your life!


jehovah productions said...


Marie Woodard said...

Thank you for those powerful words. We must listen to what you say and follow what you have said! Blessings

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