Monday, January 4, 2010

Intellect, Wisdom and Prosperity

As we are still in the opening hours of this new year, we are still hearing the greeting "happy new year". With this greeting people also usually attach a blessing such as have a "prosperous new year." Anyone with any life experience at all has come to realize that prosperity or success doesn't come automatically with intellect. There is a host of very successful people out there who never graduated from college. Bill Gates stands at the top the list which includes others like Peter Jennings and Harry Truman. On the other hand, I know some with post graduate degrees who can't get or keep a job. Obviously, education cannot be the measure of intellect either. Again, Bill Gates would be a prime example.

What is at the heart of achieving success and prosperity? I am not going to go into the argument in this writing about the true meaning of success. Let's just assume most of us on this reading list are on the same page here. The heart of achieving success is not found in intellect or education alone. Something else comes into play after intellect is recognized. Wisdom is the key to truly achieving success. When I speak of wisdom, I am talking about an accumulation of life skills that has been sought after and artfully absorbed through experience. A foolish person is one who refuses to hear correction and who believes that they are smarter than others. This foolish person is cutting themselves off from developing wisdom and sentencing themselves to a life of failure and poverty. Prov. 1:7 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction." It doesn't say that fools will reject wisdom, they actually "despise wisdom and instruction". The problem here is not one of not seeing their need, they see it but their own pride is a locked gate to gaining the wisdom that would bring the success they so desperately desire.

How can one get past this locked gate and become open to instruction in order to gain true wisdom? After many years of counseling, I am convinced that no person can change and become an open gate through mere will power or desire. There has to be a heart change. Only through recognizing that pride over intellect and knowledge is an affront to God Himself can a person begin to experience change. Then there has to be a humbling of self before God and man in order to see wisdom developed and long lasting success be established. Usually the Lord will have the person be discipled or tutored under one of much less education or intellect. One of my greatest and most respected tutors was a man with a grade school education, but a man of much wisdom.

May the Lord give us all great grace to humble ourselves at the beginning of this new year in order to truly see a "prosperous new year".

1 comment:

Robert said...

Great message pastor LA,
So many people are hesitant to receive instruction, counsel, or even a teaching that stretches them. They have a closed theological system; it’s not okay not to know something. It often seems to be rooted in shame and fear. The idea of needing instruction seems to make the person feel inferior or flawed in some way and out of control. Brokenness and meekness are truly passkeys for coming into what God has for us.

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