Monday, February 8, 2010


Manipulation is such a powerful, negative force! It has its origins in witchcraft. Manipulation is the counterfeit of real Godly leadership. The purpose of manipulation is to bring another person into a place of submission to the will and purposes of the one doing the manipulating. To manipulate another person is a sin and to allow yourself to be manipulated is death. To allow yourself to be manipulated brings death to your vision, your zeal, your courage and your obedience to God. Jezebel in the Bible is the most obvious example of one who lived by manipulation. She had as her intent to follow this process: intimidation, manipulation, control and finally immobilization.

We have all had the temptation to manipulate. We don't have to learn it, we are born with the instinct. We are most tempted to manipulate others in our weakest hour of faith. To manipulate says, "I don't trust God to work this out". Make a decision that you will not allow yourself to fall to the faithless realm of manipulating people or circumstances. Also make a commitment that you will not allow yourself to be manipulated. You can find yourself in the clutches of manipulation in a moment. It can come from the nicest people. Zechariah 4:6 tells us we are to live, "not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord".

Don't allow the enemy to use you on the giving or receiving end of manipulation. It has no part in the life of a Godly leader.

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