Monday, February 1, 2010

The Power Of Sacrifice

The word sacrifice is used almost 200 times in the Old Testament. The personal sacrifice was a major part of worship and the personal relationship between God and man. This sacrifice was something that men wanted to do and they knew it must involve the best of what they had. When David was purchasing land to make an altar, the land was offered to him free. His comments tell us a lot about his heart. He said, " I will not offer to the Lord from that which cost me nothing". Sacrifice was and is a gift from the heart that cost us. Personal cost is at the heart of the faith life.

It seems popular today to teach that sacrifice is not a part of New Testament Christianity. The argument is that Jesus made a sacrifice for us and there is no longer a need for sacrifice. That is certainly true in regard to our salvation. Jesus paid it all! However, once we are believers and followers of Jesus and the Way, sacrifice is an ongoing part of our walk with Him. The rich young ruler is a prime example of a man who missed the Messiah because he wasn't willing to sacrifice his worldly riches for Jesus. The most famous use of the word sacrifice in the New Testament is found in Romans 12:1. Let me quote it from God's Word translation: "Brothers and Sisters, in view of all we have just shared about God's compassion, I encourage you to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, dedicated to God and pleasing to him. This kind of worship is appropriate for you." Here the word sacrifice is rightly associated with an act of worship. We are not saved by our sacrifices but our sacrifices are certainly a part of our ongoing service and worship.

Some would question this kind of thinking and some even say, "God would not require such sacrifice from me because He loves me and only wants what is best for me". The Scripture is rich with answers to that comment that prove to us that a loving Father is committed to our best in its highest form. When I hear people say, "God would never require me to move from my house, town or family, or make less money", I want to say, "who told you that? Where in the world did you get that idea?" As a matter of fact, as I study the Scripture I come to understand that many people might just be one sacrifice away from their answer to prayer. A resistance to making the sacrifice might keep them stranded in the quagmire of mediocrity. Miracles happen in the atmosphere of reckless abandonment before God.

1 comment:

kennyg said...

Thanks Papa for the Word. Yes, if ever we were asked to sacrifice, it would be now. It seems to me that power...real Holy Ghost, miracle working power comes from sacrifice. Your blog reminded me of something I (personaly) need more of...fasting. Jesus said, "When you fast." Thanks Papa. Give Teresa a hug. God bless. Love and prayers, Ken &Joan.

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