Saturday, December 11, 2010

God Shed His Grace On Thee

One day this week, the week of the anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, as I opened my eyes from a night of sleep, these were my first thoughts. My very first conscious thoughts were, "God shed his grace on thee". I began to sing the complete song to myself and I meditated on it's meaning. Then I felt I heard, "as a Nation, we are only able to enjoy the blessings we have enjoyed because of His grace that has been shed upon us." What if we were to lose that grace? What if our rejection or neglect of God caused him to weaken the grace upon us as a nation? There are not guarantees that things will go on forever as we have enjoyed them in the past.

When we were bombed into World War II we were ill prepared as a Nation for that great conflict. There was no way in the natural that we could win such a war. There is no question that it was the grace of God that enabled us to endure and win. As a matter of fact, after the war the U.S. sky rocketed into prominence and success like the world had never seen before.

One thing really troubles me now. The absence of the knowledge our history. Both from a spiritual historical perspective as well as a National perspective. Why is that important? Without an appreciation and a remembrance the value of the progress of history is lost. I was at a conference and a speaker used a World War II hero to make a point. After the meeting I heard a young leader say, "who in the world was he talking about and how is that relevant to me?" What ignorance! What arrogance! A healthy knowledge of our past determines in many ways our future. Certainly our past shouldn't limit our future but it certainly does define it in many ways.

This also applies to the church. An ignorance of church history destines us to make the same mistakes over and over. The thing that is worse than ignorance though is the arrogance that says, "church history is not relevant to me and the future". It is important that we all humble ourselves with the understanding that we all are standing on the shoulders of those who labored before us.

Here's another quote for you: "Do this in remembrance of me".


Robert said...

Great post pastor LA. I see huge value in being life time learners, including our history.

frag316 said...

Pastor LA--We can blame our lack of God and history in the schools for this youthful arrogance. Youngsters these days aren't taught true history--they're taught politically correct history.

During a special service at New Covenant, I asked God's guidance for our leaders--our rights are derived from Him and guaranteed by Him. Most of our young aren't taught that. They aren't taught how much our Founders (who were only racist white slave owners, right?) sought the guidance of God when writing the Constitution.

When we had God in the schools, students were taught these things. When we had God in the schools, suicide rates were lower. When we had God in the schools, pregnancy rates were lower. When we had God in the schools, we didn't have shootings.

Tell me again why God had to be banished?

Keep up the good fight!

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