Friday, March 4, 2011

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

I'm not sure who first used this phrase but there is a lot of truth in it. I don't mean to imply that we should resort to desperate measures in the sense of doing anything that is wrong but we certainly need to be willing to move outside the box in desperate times. In difficult times we can't simply sit and hope things will get better. We must act courageously and with purpose. Indecision in a time of crisis may cost you everything. Indecision can only be one of three things:
1. a time of gathering information in order to make a decision at the right time,(a good thing) 2. a lack of leadership or 3. fear.

Taking time to gather information in order to make the right decision is a part of wise leadership. God honors this type of delay because it is still an action of faith. It keeps God involved in your situation because faith is still being directed toward him.

Indecision because of a lack of leadership exposes a lot of things. It might reveal weaknesses in character, a weak area in leadership ability or an outright revelation of the absence of the leadership gift. Years ago in the business world another phrase was coined. "Lead, follow or get out of the way"! I really like that one!

Now we come to fear. Fear is designed to immobilize. In the Bible we are told that before the Army of God would go into battle the troops would be gathered. Men were told that if anyone was fearful to go home. Amazing! Why? Because a person of fear would transfer their fear into others. They had to be gotten out of the ranks of those that just might rise up and be heroic in a time of crisis. You see crisis not only exposes weaknesses, it also reveals strength. It shines the spotlight on unlikely heroes.

Maybe today as you read this you are pondering a decision. Take time to gather all the data you can in order to make a wise and Godly decision. However, when it's time, act! You also need to know that gathering information does not mean that you will get all the information before you act. Much of that will come "as you go". That is the faith part of the process. The "steps of good men are ordered of the Lord", not a five year plan, necessarily. Who knows, as you act you just might find that the hero is within you!

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