Monday, April 25, 2011
The Greatest Need Around 1990 I was listening to the great and at times controversial teaching of Costa Deir. His teaching wasn't controversial because it was out of sync with Scripture, it was controversial because it challenged the daily practice of the life of the Church. Then, he said something that caused everyone there to pause and contemplate. His statement: "the greatest need in the world is not evangelism. The greatest need in the world is leadership development"! He went on to say, "if you reach one soul for the Lord, that is a wonderful thing but if your reach and train a leader, you have reached potentially thousands". That short statement changed me and my focus for ministry. I find senior leaders today who still labor primarily trying to reach individuals rather than training others. Of course we must all minister to individuals as the Lord opens the door. That is why Paul told Timothy to "do the work of an evangelist". However, leaders and especially team leaders must, MUST train leaders. I was once a part of a church that taught the book of Revelation non stop year after year. It was a passion of that church. In the same way, every church or ministry should be training leaders in an ongoing way. I have also found that the Senior Leader/Pastor must spearhead this effort. This is one area you can't delegate, at least in the beginning. When the Senior Leader leads the leadership training efforts they are saying, "this is important to our efforts". In honesty many leaders don't feel qualified to train leaders. In my early years of ministry there wasn't a lot of help out there. I finally realized that if I didn't train leaders it wouldn't get done. I have always held leadership classes as a foundational part of church planting. Then I moved to a "school of ministry" within the local church. Your disciples in these classes may never be elders, pastors or missionaries, but they will be enriched and more valuable in function in the local church or organization. How do you do it? What materials should you use? It's very possible that the best training materials for your group is not online but inside. Yes, you have the vision for your group and you can custom fit the training program from your own life experience. Just ask yourself the question, "if I were just stating out in ministry, what would I like to be taught?" Think about the big picture and start listing the areas of need in leadership. Get the topics and then work on each topic. Before long you will have your own syllabus from which to train. Now you can go to other resources to enrich your plan but seek to be an "innovator, not an imitator". As for the best advice on training leaders; just get at it. And as with anything, put it on your calendar or you will never do it! Remember, the greatest need around you is leadership development.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Revolutionary Ministry Pattern
Below is a letter I wrote to a pastor and his leadership team. This particular pastor serves in the ministry gift of an apostle as listed in Ephesians 4:11. However, he also serves as the Senior Pastor of his local church. I hope you will give this blog some thought and I encourage you, as a leader, to take it to your leadership team for discussion and consideration. While it relates particularly to one who functions in this dual role of apostle/pastor, much can be learned from the Biblical concepts outlined here.
"Dear _______________,
I greatly enjoyed our time yesterday afternoon.
After our meeting I thought it best to try to condense what I was saying to you and write it so that you might give it some thought and prayer and share it with your elders/ leadership team for discussion.
I believe it is now time for you to work to delegate more of the daily pastoral care. As one who understands what it takes to be the Senior Pastor of a growing local church while operating in the Apostolic ministry, I know the cost and rewards of such labor. While delegation of more of these ministries will release you more, the primary thing accomplished is an activation of the Body there. I believe the following things are goals all churches should seek to achieve:
1. Activation of the people into ministry
2. Decentralization of the “home office”. Tradition has trained people that the church staff does the work of the ministry while the Scripture tells us that the 5 fold ministry is called to equip the people of the church to do the work of the ministry. That means there has to be a “weaning” of the congregation off a heavy dependency upon the role of the Senior Pastor.
3. Training and releasing of leadership to help in the daily care of the flock. There should be tiers of leaders or a chain of command, so to speak.
I would suggest that the structure of the church be evaluated by your elders/leadership team for future direction and vision fulfillment. I would seek to have each elder overseeing a different aspect of ministry of the church. For example, Acts 1:8 tells us that there is a pattern to ministry. That ministry release of the church is an outward moving expansion. Jesus said the ministry of the church would be to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Uttermost parts of the earth. I see that Jerusalem is the ministry of the local church including, pastoral care, small groups, etc. Judea might be such things as outreach into the city and region. Samaria is to me the apostolic ministry within our sphere and the uttermost parts is obviously world missions. All these areas should be broken down and overseen by a different elder or staff pastor. Your job as Apostle would be to oversee the big picture and pastor all those who are overseeing areas of ministry. Then, you would be released to operate in your apostolic ministry (Samaria)without the local church being hindered. As a matter of fact, moving to this kind of pattern strengthens the local church as it grows and functions as the Lord intends. (Ephesians 4:12 (GW)
12 Their purpose is to prepare God's people, to serve, and to build up the body of Christ.)
When Moses’ father in law Jethro, confronted him about his ministry style, it was a rebuke. He told him that his counseling all day was wearing him out as well as the people. The solution was to choose 70 who would do the daily ministry to the people while Moses would be left to deal with the heavier issues of the people as well as other ministry needs. This requires training of those who are qualified to fill these areas of ministry to the people, those with the heart of a pastor. There are many pastors in a congregation sitting among the people. They just need training, releasing and overseeing. You will still be available to meet with those who really need your ministry but you will deal with the more serious situations of their lives. As you train your leaders and the congregation to move in this direction you will release an army rather than keeping an eternal nursery.
As a Kingdom move, this will also give you more time to “think, plan and pray” as I told you yesterday. It is very possible to live your life and ministry as a fireman who rushes to fire after fire. While someone needs to respond to fires, if the fires aren’t shared by leadership, the fires will keep you busy and hinder you from vision implementation and creativity. Creativity is critical to any organization. The senior leader must be free to think and plan. I believe you will rise to a new level of leadership and fruitfulness as the ministry is shared not to mention a new level of maturity for the church.
I know that you know these things that I am writing but they are revolutionary in most churches today. To achieve the reality of Ephesians 4 will require a new educating of your people and your leaders as well as a new disciplining of yourself. It does work, as I have pressed through what I am telling you myself and experienced the joy of seeing the church function in a healthy way and enjoyed the new creativity of the Spirit.
With much love and appreciation!
L. A.
Below is a letter I wrote to a pastor and his leadership team. This particular pastor serves in the ministry gift of an apostle as listed in Ephesians 4:11. However, he also serves as the Senior Pastor of his local church. I hope you will give this blog some thought and I encourage you, as a leader, to take it to your leadership team for discussion and consideration. While it relates particularly to one who functions in this dual role of apostle/pastor, much can be learned from the Biblical concepts outlined here.
"Dear _______________,
I greatly enjoyed our time yesterday afternoon.
After our meeting I thought it best to try to condense what I was saying to you and write it so that you might give it some thought and prayer and share it with your elders/ leadership team for discussion.
I believe it is now time for you to work to delegate more of the daily pastoral care. As one who understands what it takes to be the Senior Pastor of a growing local church while operating in the Apostolic ministry, I know the cost and rewards of such labor. While delegation of more of these ministries will release you more, the primary thing accomplished is an activation of the Body there. I believe the following things are goals all churches should seek to achieve:
1. Activation of the people into ministry
2. Decentralization of the “home office”. Tradition has trained people that the church staff does the work of the ministry while the Scripture tells us that the 5 fold ministry is called to equip the people of the church to do the work of the ministry. That means there has to be a “weaning” of the congregation off a heavy dependency upon the role of the Senior Pastor.
3. Training and releasing of leadership to help in the daily care of the flock. There should be tiers of leaders or a chain of command, so to speak.
I would suggest that the structure of the church be evaluated by your elders/leadership team for future direction and vision fulfillment. I would seek to have each elder overseeing a different aspect of ministry of the church. For example, Acts 1:8 tells us that there is a pattern to ministry. That ministry release of the church is an outward moving expansion. Jesus said the ministry of the church would be to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Uttermost parts of the earth. I see that Jerusalem is the ministry of the local church including, pastoral care, small groups, etc. Judea might be such things as outreach into the city and region. Samaria is to me the apostolic ministry within our sphere and the uttermost parts is obviously world missions. All these areas should be broken down and overseen by a different elder or staff pastor. Your job as Apostle would be to oversee the big picture and pastor all those who are overseeing areas of ministry. Then, you would be released to operate in your apostolic ministry (Samaria)without the local church being hindered. As a matter of fact, moving to this kind of pattern strengthens the local church as it grows and functions as the Lord intends. (Ephesians 4:12 (GW)
12 Their purpose is to prepare God's people, to serve, and to build up the body of Christ.)
When Moses’ father in law Jethro, confronted him about his ministry style, it was a rebuke. He told him that his counseling all day was wearing him out as well as the people. The solution was to choose 70 who would do the daily ministry to the people while Moses would be left to deal with the heavier issues of the people as well as other ministry needs. This requires training of those who are qualified to fill these areas of ministry to the people, those with the heart of a pastor. There are many pastors in a congregation sitting among the people. They just need training, releasing and overseeing. You will still be available to meet with those who really need your ministry but you will deal with the more serious situations of their lives. As you train your leaders and the congregation to move in this direction you will release an army rather than keeping an eternal nursery.
As a Kingdom move, this will also give you more time to “think, plan and pray” as I told you yesterday. It is very possible to live your life and ministry as a fireman who rushes to fire after fire. While someone needs to respond to fires, if the fires aren’t shared by leadership, the fires will keep you busy and hinder you from vision implementation and creativity. Creativity is critical to any organization. The senior leader must be free to think and plan. I believe you will rise to a new level of leadership and fruitfulness as the ministry is shared not to mention a new level of maturity for the church.
I know that you know these things that I am writing but they are revolutionary in most churches today. To achieve the reality of Ephesians 4 will require a new educating of your people and your leaders as well as a new disciplining of yourself. It does work, as I have pressed through what I am telling you myself and experienced the joy of seeing the church function in a healthy way and enjoyed the new creativity of the Spirit.
With much love and appreciation!
L. A.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Hypocrisy: The Religious Corpse Among Us When a Nation that has been predominantly Christian begins to proclaim faith and service but practices sin and self gratification, it is in danger of losing the preserving divine power that has sustained it. Our society today, from the State House to the Church House is filled with practical hypocrisy. Our high court speaks loftily of the rights of a mother while remaining silent on the rights of the unborn. Our States initiate and administrate gambling in an effort to help the poor get an education while most of the profits comes from the pockets of the poorest among us. Then those same states put up large billboards telling us to gamble responsibly! Giganic tobacco companies tell us that they have now discovered that tobacco is bad for us! Yet, they flood the markets of third world countries tageting a new youthful market. As beleivers it would do us well to do a word study of the word "hypocrite" in the New Testament. You will find that Jesus spoke often on this topic. As you do you will find that his comments were never favorable. As a matter of fact you begin to see a common thread in his discourses about hypocrisy. The one thing that stands out to me is that hypocrisy produces its own reward. Over and over Jesus says, "you have received your reward". This concerns me greatly because if we produce our own reward, we are removing the supernatural intervention from among us. We often think of God punishing us but the worst of punishment would be a withdrawal of his activity among us and leave us to our own devices. Nothing could be more frightening. What can we do? Deal with hypocrisy in our own hearts and lives. Make no provision for it and renounce it when it appears. Luke 12:1-3 (NKJV) 1 In the meantime, when an innumerable multitude of people had gathered together, so that they trampled one another, He began to say to His disciples first of all, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.
Friday, April 1, 2011
When we lose the fear of God Leviticus 10:1 (NKJV) 1 Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them. Nadab and Abihu made a number of mistakes leading to their death. Here is what Matthew Henrys says: "Next to Moses and Aaron, none were more likely to be honourable in Israel than Nadab and Abihu. There is reason to think that they were puffed up with pride, and that they were heated with wine. While the people were prostrate before the Lord, adoring his presence and glory, they rushed into the tabernacle to burn incense, though not at the appointed time; both together, instead of one alone, and with fire not taken from the altar. If it had been done through ignorance, they would had been allowed to bring a sin-offering. But the soul that doeth presumptuously, and in contempt of God's majesty and justice, that soul shall be cut off. The wages of sin is death. They died in the very act of their sin. The sin and punishment of these priests showed the imperfection of that priesthood from the very beginning, and that it could not shelter any from the fire of God's wrath, otherwise than as it was typical of Christ's priesthood." Presumption is a most dangerous sin. It usually comes as a result of familiarity. Jesus could do no mighty works in his own home town because of it. The wicked sons of Eli had their lives end in destruction because of such a familiarity with the things of God that they sinned in the house of God. Familiarity does breed contempt. It is our responsibility to walk in the fear of God. While we are "no longer servants but friends" of God, that doesn't mean He is our Buddy. A part of the sin of Ananias and Sapphira was partly caused by familiarity. They lied to Peter and the "Holy Ghost" and died. People seem to forget that this incident occurred on this side of the Cross. This happened in the time of grace. This kind of sin of presumption could lead someone to prophesy out of their soul rather than by the Spirit of God. It could cause a leader to try to "make something happen" in a service. I heard one man say, "I would rather have a little wild fire than no fire at all"! Wild fire is a false anointing and says that God is doing something when He is not. That kind of presumption and familiarity will always bring death in one form or another. I was in a service once when the man leading the meeting called me down and pushed me down in front of the people, twice! I was taken off guard and being embarrassed, didn't know what to do. As I drove home that night the Lord spoke to me and said, "don't ever do that again. You just endorsed before the people a ministry that I have not endorsed." May God grant us the fear of God.
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