Monday, April 25, 2011

The Greatest Need Around 1990 I was listening to the great and at times controversial teaching of Costa Deir. His teaching wasn't controversial because it was out of sync with Scripture, it was controversial because it challenged the daily practice of the life of the Church. Then, he said something that caused everyone there to pause and contemplate. His statement: "the greatest need in the world is not evangelism. The greatest need in the world is leadership development"! He went on to say, "if you reach one soul for the Lord, that is a wonderful thing but if your reach and train a leader, you have reached potentially thousands". That short statement changed me and my focus for ministry. I find senior leaders today who still labor primarily trying to reach individuals rather than training others. Of course we must all minister to individuals as the Lord opens the door. That is why Paul told Timothy to "do the work of an evangelist". However, leaders and especially team leaders must, MUST train leaders. I was once a part of a church that taught the book of Revelation non stop year after year. It was a passion of that church. In the same way, every church or ministry should be training leaders in an ongoing way. I have also found that the Senior Leader/Pastor must spearhead this effort. This is one area you can't delegate, at least in the beginning. When the Senior Leader leads the leadership training efforts they are saying, "this is important to our efforts". In honesty many leaders don't feel qualified to train leaders. In my early years of ministry there wasn't a lot of help out there. I finally realized that if I didn't train leaders it wouldn't get done. I have always held leadership classes as a foundational part of church planting. Then I moved to a "school of ministry" within the local church. Your disciples in these classes may never be elders, pastors or missionaries, but they will be enriched and more valuable in function in the local church or organization. How do you do it? What materials should you use? It's very possible that the best training materials for your group is not online but inside. Yes, you have the vision for your group and you can custom fit the training program from your own life experience. Just ask yourself the question, "if I were just stating out in ministry, what would I like to be taught?" Think about the big picture and start listing the areas of need in leadership. Get the topics and then work on each topic. Before long you will have your own syllabus from which to train. Now you can go to other resources to enrich your plan but seek to be an "innovator, not an imitator". As for the best advice on training leaders; just get at it. And as with anything, put it on your calendar or you will never do it! Remember, the greatest need around you is leadership development.

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