Monday, October 3, 2011

What you believe about you determines your destiny
Last week I dealt with the critical issue of identity determining personal peace.  As a believer it is our appropriating by faith our full redemption that brings right identity.  When the Scripture tells us that through the work of Jesus on the cross we become a “new creation”, it continues to tell us that “old things pass away and all things become new”.  Those old things that pass away include the old image of who we were and an acceptance of a new image.  That new image is something that has to be built in our own mind.  It involves a mental warfare that takes a wrestling with our thought life and a conscious effort at choosing what the Scripture says about us above thoughts of our past identity.   Sometimes this warfare is made more difficult because others may not be willing to accept you and your new identity.  Here is a major part of the battle.  You have to love the person but not embrace in your heart their rejection of your new identity as Truth.  It is in fact a lie and a lie that has the ability to immobilize you in Kingdom matters.  This is precisely the object of this attack.  The enemy wants to stop you from obtaining your purpose and in so doing stop your success and destiny in life. 

Remember:  Identity determines purpose and purpose determines success.

1 comment:

Terry Shiver said...

What God has saved us to far out weights what he has saved us from!!!

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