Monday, September 26, 2011

Comfortable in your own skin

It seems not many people are comfortable in their own skin.  Too many people are always trying to find their identity.  There are a number of problems with this identity crisis as a life style.  You have seen these folks spending great amounts of time, energy and money always trying to get the "thing" that will make them feel good about themselves.  This search causes them to never be satisfied "in the now".  They are unhappy with their phone, computer, car, body, personality or maybe even their mate!  What misery!  Coming to a place of peace and rest within yourself is a freedom much like living debt-free.  When you are debt-free you aren't nearly as concerned about the economy as a person who is captured by the system.  When you are at peace within your own skin you are not too concerned with status because you are not finding your self acceptance based on external things.  Very few people get there!  These blessed few care about others but they are not consummed with what others think.  Self image is determined by self worth and not the worth others may or may not place on you.  Actually it is difficult to give yourself to helping others until you have settled this identity issue.

Where in the world do we obtain self worth?  You don't!  You can't get it "in the world".  You see, it's the unregenerate world that is most involved in the pursuit of identity and the most uncomfortable in their own skin.  Christians should be the most at ease and at peace with themselves.  When you see a Christian still struggling with the identity issue you can be certain they have not allowed the full process of redemption to occur.  Only in appropriating the full redemption of Jesus and His full forgiveness and reconciliation can you possess a redeemed identity.  Once a believer has done that they are at peace with God and man.  The first man we must be "at peace" with is ourselves. 


Chuck Hall said...
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Chuck Hall said...

Good word on being "Comfortable in your own skin" L.A., you are a good example of someone who is.

We are in Albany this week. We will be in Tifton with Lawrence Sunday and go to Valdosta after that.

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