Monday, November 25, 2013

A Word In Season

“The Lord God has given Me The tongue of the learned, That I should know how to speak A word in season to him who is weary."  Isa. 50:4 (NKJV)

How wonderful it is to hear a word when we are in crisis that lifts us up!  It is also more difficult than we might first think to bring that encouraging word.  Human nature is basically very negative and judgmental.  We see it throughout the Scripture as well.  It is very poignant in the life of Job when his so called friends come to him with words, not to lift him but to drive him deeper into distress. I have come to believe that those rare people who can lift and strengthen a person when they are in trouble have learned this art.  Oh, there are personality types that are naturally more positive but it seems to me that the real ability to lift a soul from despair and get them back on their feet is a cultivated skill.   

Notice in this verse the writer says "the Lord has given me the tongue of the learned".  The word "given" here means "assigned".  Then the word "learned" means a disciple or a learner.  We begin to get the picture that we aren't talking about a person that has a gift and they just go around giving encouraging words to people as a supernatural right.  It is a very deliberate and honed action of love and compassion.  Then the verse says, "that I should know how", here's that learned skill again.  Learned how to "speak a word in season to him who is weary."  In contrast to this, these people are not flatterers.  They are seeing this as a ministry of the Holy Spirit through them. Just as a surgeon uses his skills and experience to bring healing to a sick soul, may we give thought and reflection on honing our healing skills of delivering lifting words to those cast down.  Remember, sowing and reaping is an absolute principle of the Kingdom of God. You never know when you will need to reap some of those seeds for yourself.

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